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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

32 Hour Train Ride

Right now I am sitting on a train. It’s not just any train though. This train goes across all of Australia and takes passengers all over the country from one end to the other. At the beginning of this week we boarded the train in Brisbane bound for Cairns. Most of us on the trip were dreading the train ride because it is 32 hours. Long right? Well it actually has not been that bad. Right now we are about 25 hours into the ride and we have not run out of things to talk about or things to do. Though it is not exciting and thr better. Yesterday, it was nice to look out the window and be able to not see any more rain, since it has been raining non-stop this whole trip. Looking out onto the wide fields of crops and animals with mountains in the background was very peaceful and relaxing. In addition to staring out the window at the scenery, Heather, Brina and I watched three movies in a row on Heather’s portable DVD player. And I must say thank goodness that Heather brought that. The movies were really entertaining and it was a good way to spend our time together. After my dinner of train chicken nuggets and chips (french fries for you yanks) there was a stop where we could get out and walk around for a little bit. Though it was a short stop for about 15 minutes, it felt really good to be able to run around a little bit and do some jumping jacks to get the blood flowing again. Everyone on the train went to bed early after a long day of travelling and being exhausted. After almost completing our 32 hour trip on a sleeper train, everyone has survived the long trip and is looking forward to getting their land legs back again. Though it sounds boring, the 32 hour train ride has been a great experience and I really enjoyed watching the scenery pass and having good friends by my side.

Peace. Love. Aussie.


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