Fraser Island was a lot of fun, except that we found a gecko in our room in the first place we stayed, but thankfully, it didn’t get much worse than that. I heard stories of worse!
Anyways, Fraser Island is one of the largest sand islands in the world. For those without common sense, a sand island is an island made entirely from sand that formed from the currents of the waves. Fraser Island is huge! However, one of the sad things about Fraser Island is that its beaches are unable to be swum in because of sharks and stingers. There were a lot of beautiful beaches, but about 99 percent of them were empty of people, except the one percent area where the water was constantly monitored and deemed safe for swimming. Visitors were able to fish in the water, but they did not go in farther than ankle deep for two reasons: one, there were the sharks and stingers as I mentioned before, and two, there was a very strong undercurrent that could easily drag them unsuspecting into dangerous waters.
Despite that we were unable to swim at the beaches; we were able to swim in the inland freshwater lakes (yes, freshwater). The one in particular had this special white sand that was an exfoliating sand that made skin softer and actually polished jewelry without scratching it. Sadly, I had none of my jewelry with me to clean, but some other girls did and the transformation was really amazing. We also visited other waterholes during the three day adventure. Because Fraser Island is a sand island, it is surprising to see rainforests growing, but thanks to this course, I now know and can inform all of you readers! As you know, sand is not very good soil, but the reason there is so much plant life is from the nutrients provided by decaying vegetation and there is plenty of water available.
The third morning at breakfast, we were able to feed the dolphins at Tin Can Bay. There were three that came in. Their names were Harmony, Mystique and Patch. Mystique was the largest and the oldest and was the dominant male of the group. Harmony was one of his offspring that was very skittish and shy. Patch was a female of Mystique’s family. The lady who was directing us told us that the only reason that Patch and Harmony are allowed to come out with him is if he gives them permission. He apparently only barely allows Harmony to go with him.
I was sad at the end of this trip. As of yet, everything we have done has been more fun than the previous thing. I know there is still so much left but I know that once we head back to Brisbane, the trip will fly by before our eyes.
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